Then everyone gathered around the Christmas tree downstairs to read our new book . . . or let the new book read to us! Mande got Mimi an early Christmas present--one of the recordable "Twas the Night Before Christmas" books. Mimi recorded herself reading the story so that long after I'm gone you will be able to hear me read to you on Christmas Eve. I'll never forget the wonder in the 5 sets of little eyes when you realized it was Mimi reading the story! (Mimi thinks there were too many tears in the mamas' eyes for us to have a picture of this.)
It was then time for cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer on your special hand print/footprint plates and cups the older girls made when they were babies. The carrots caused a little problem this year; we had a bloody mouth to take care of so we completely forgot about our Christmas Eve presents. Oh well, one more for morning!
This is what ya'll saw as you hurried up the stairs to the Nest to wait on Santa to come. You all wanted it to snow so badly for Christmas that Mimi thought she would help things along a little bit just in case with snowflakes drifting from the ceiling.
You were all so sure you saw Rudolph's red noise and heard sleigh bells before you drifted off to sleep . . . and who knows . . . you may have . . .
because bright and early Christmas morning we found that Santa had indeed found Mimi's house! But before we could find out for sure we had to wait on all the mamas and daddies to get up and get the cameras all working.
Granddaddy always has to "guard the gate" until just the right time for ya'll to bounce down the stairs.
But once down the stairs, you all found everything you had asked Santa for and more!
Mimi and Granddaddy surprised ya'll with another BIG family present this year and here ya'll are waiting to find out what it is . . .
A Cruise on the Disney Dream!
Mimi also made Minnie Mouse beach towels for each of you and packed a little suitcase with your personal ticket and a cruise ship charm for your pandora bracelets.
The boys again did most of the cooking for Christmas Morning Breakfast! Thanks, guys!!
Aunt Lynn and Danielle and her family joined us as always for breakfast. We missed David and Jessica since they still had more family to visit out of town. I don't know what ya'll were most excited about . . . getting more presents or the snow falling outside!

Danielle and Sweet Josie got a very special present from Mimi ~ Danielle's first porcelain tea set. Danielle had forgotten all about it but Mimi had been saving it for just the right time since we had cleaned out Pop and Gran's house. Of course, Josie got her own metal tea set so she and her mommy can have tea parties now.
As soon as presents were unwrapped, everyone got on warmer layers and rushed outside to play in the beautiful white snow our Father gave us for Christmas.

What a Wonderful Present ~ the best of the day!
Mimi and Granddaddy were so blessed to have all of our family together for Christmas again this year on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Thanks so much to all of you for making that special effort to be here!
What a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of our Savior and the precious family He has given us and made us a part of!