Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A Little Birthday Boy Grows Up!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
How Many Candles?
Yes, Mimi's come a long way from the scrawny 2 lb. 8 oz. black-haired baby girl born on March 29, 1948! Mimi has written in a journal for you all the details of my very determined Granny's fight to save me.
Thank you, dear Jesus, for the many wonderful blessings You have so graciously showered on me all these 63 years.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Our "DREAM" Vacation ~ 2011 Style
Mimi thinks maybe they liked your Mimi-made Minnie Mouse swimsuits!
Boy, Mickey knows how to throw a Party!! His "Pirates of the Caribbean" Party complete with fireworks was so much fun! Ya'll loved all the pirate games. Anna Grace and Campbell loved showing off the Mickey mirrors in the restrooms!
Castaway Cay ~ Disney's Private Island
I think you girls really enjoyed swimming in the beautiful water, biking, building sandcastles, riding on the floats, the water slide and just playing around being "normal."
YEAH!!!! Ya'll won the Mickey Movie Bingo contest!! You got to pick the next movie to be shown on the big screen at the pool area . . . and, yes, it was a "Princess" movie.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The New Toy . . .
Granddaddy spent most of Saturday helping him work on it. And then I got the call . . . "We're taking her on her maiden voyage around the block!" (You see she had to be brought into the neighborhood on a trailer) Mimi dashed out with the camera to record this historical moment.