Yep, spring has truly arrived on the Acre . . . a brand new season where all is new and beautiful . . . and, oh yes, so very yellow!!
Don't you just love these little mountain iris!?!
But I love it, pollen and all! You all know Mimi has been in the yard every day (yes, I'm the alien looking lady in the white mask) planting, weeding, adding new pine straw and a whole lot of "resting" while I daydream of just what it is I want this big ole city acre to look like. All the while enjoying every second of God's beautiful creation as it awakens from its winter rest.
But speaking of winter . . .
Mimi has ALOT of blogging to catch up on if I'm going to preserve all our holiday memories and special happenings ~ so many things you girls have done and achieved this winter while Mimi was hybernating . . . but with spring comes a whole new group of adventures . . . end of school testings, spring sports, ballet company tryouts and the list goes on and on.
So I guess I'll just start with the most recent and work my way backwards. hopefully it won't be winter again before I get caught up!
For the oldest, our little athlete, spring has brought a new sports adventure . . . well, it really isn't a new sport for you but rather a new endeavor. As a 4th grader, CJ is playing golf on the middle school golf team. And playing quite well if this Mimi can be allowed to brag!!

In her very first match, she birdied the first hole and shot 27 for the 4-hole match to finish 2nd individually behind an 8th grader and, along with her 3rd grade team mate won their first middle school golf match! Then yesterday, you shot 22 to win low medalist beating out two 7th graders. Pretty good playing for a girl who hadn't picked up a golf club since last year! Way to go! And you're doing this while playing AAU basketball tournaments on the weekends like this past weekend where your team had a clean sweep to win the tournament.
and . . .
Every spring, the 2nd oldest, our prima ballerina, has tryouts to move up in the Company. That's always a stressful time made especially so this year since it happened on the day you were leaving for the beach before spring break, making it a whole week before you could find out the results.
But, you MADE it! I think the move up is to Timothy III but Mimi isn't completely sure. Anyway, you're still the youngest in your group and, of course, Mimi thinks you're the best. All that hard work and dedication is paying off. Now comes 2 additional days at the studio. Ummmm, wonder where violin classes will move to now? Speaking of which, your Amazing Grace was perfection when you played in big church and brought tears to several eyes!!
All this extracurricular fun and still both of you make all A's. Mimi is amazed and extremely proud of both of you!! I'm also amazed at how your parents juggle all ya'll do much less adding in what your siblings are doing.
And speaking of siblings, there'll be an update on their latest accomplishments next.
But for now, Mimi has to go wash all that yellow off of me!
Good Night and all my love to two of Mimi's brightest and most talented Stars!!