My FAVORITE time of the year ~ Fall!!

Of course, I say that now, but then Spring comes and . . .
well, you know!
A few weeks ago as I was putting up just a tiny bit of decorations, I decided it was the perfect day to make one of my all-time favorites for this time of year ~ Miss Janice's Pumpkin Butter. If you haven't met Miss Janice, go over to her precious little Florida home (Etiquette with Miss Janice) and say hello.

Can't you just smell the pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg simmering on my stove? Mimi's house smelled delicious!!

I love cooking in my Mama's old pots ~ reminds me of home!

Pumpkin Butter, Pumpkin Candles, a little Pumpkin filled with delicious pb for my morning biscuit, and my Dunkin Doughnuts Pumpkin coffee ~ it was a great day!!