. . . into how Granddaddy and I celebrated America's Birthday this weekend ~ We had fun but we sure missed all our babies! Saturday, July 3 ~~
We had our normal holiday lunch date with friends at DCC followed by
~ Lance's Independence Party ~
Darlene had everything so festive in red, white and blue. Aren't the DIY 4th of July party circles I found as "freebies" on the web just perfect additions for the mints and sparklers?

1. Darlene's Cornbread Salad 2. Cheryl's Potato Salad 3. Spiral Ham 4. Watermelon from the Penlands 5. Spinach Dip with fresh vegtables from Wendell's garden that I forgot to add to the collage
Darlene showing off her Sparkling Glasses (what looks like a glare on her hand is really little lights flashing). They were so cute!
Look, girls, we had a little black visitor to our party; but, at least we found him before he ate our food!
Yes, that is fresh corn out of Granddaddy's garden! Pop would be proud!
Granny's vintage Pyrex holds a few slices of watermelon for us while her Milk Glass glasses hold sweet tea with my fresh mint.
Chocolate Stampede with my homemade ice cream before taking the golf carts to the front entrance to watch the fireworks.

Sorry the pictures are so blurry ~~ not sure what I did wrong, but you know me and cameras!
Sunday, July 4 ~~
~~ Private Party on the Porch ~
Can you guess which chair is Mimi's?

As the sun began to set, Granddaddy and I enjoyed a slice of Darlene's good cake with more homemade ice cream in my new little holiday bowls ~ we even lit candles and sang "Happy Birthday" before we had our own fireworks show with our sparklers. While our new flag gently waved in the warm night breeze, we thought of ya'll and again said a prayer of thanksgiving for the freedom to just sit in peace and quiet.
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!
WOW! You sure can make things look boring around here! Wish I could have been there for all the "pretties." We love you!