Someone (not really sure who) flipped over the hourglass in early summer and the race began. It's like we were all trying to see just how much we could pack in before time was up and the hourglass was flipped over again for Fall. We were in a race against time . . . time when school would start . . . schedules would be shifted . . . pools would be closed . . . days would be shorter and more jam packed . . . dance classes would start . . . winter sports practice would begin . . . and homework would take 1/2 the night.
As I worked outside this morning cutting back all the faded flowers, I stopped to watch the leaves already falling from the trees. Before long these individual leaves will make up the piles that ya'll love to run through, Gigi likes to hide in, & Mimi and Granddaddy hate to rake. As I thought about that, I was reminded of the introduction to my favorite soap opera "Days of Our Lives" . . . "like sands through the hourglass . . ." Today's leaves are like the individual grains of sand in that hourglass ~ the one we've been racing against ~ alone they're insignificant ~ but added together they make up the pile . . . the pile of days and weeks that have now become a season . . . and a season that's quickly becoming a lifetime ~ a lifetime that becomes a legacy.
My lifetime . . . My legacy
and because I don't want any of you to forget even one little grain of the pile of activites that was SUMMER, we're going to pause and enjoy them one more time because in only 3 more days that hourglass will flip again and the race will start anew. (Actually, it started anew for ya'll with the start of school, but officially flips on the 1st day of Fall.)
~ Our Summer Sands One Grain at a Time ~
We took time to . . .
Snuggle with the babies . . .
Visit with the Cousins . . .
Have a few birthday parties . . .

Play a little golf and even milk a cow . . . (notice the hole-in-one!)
Celebrate a holiday . . . (it had to include sparklers, cooking and swimming!)
and so much more we'll have to continue tomorrow . . .
“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away.”
Psalm 39:4 (NLT)
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