What do you think of when you hear the word "Homecoming?" What about parades, pretty cars with even prettier girls, 'fluffing' flowers, class reunions with old friends, spirit week with dress up every day, football games and homecoming dances?
Yes, and even a little "behind the scenes" activities!
Remember earlier Mimi told you she was working on something for Miss Pam's daughter, Paisley, because she was on the homecoming court again this year . . .

Here it is . . . the car!
Mimi made all the decorations except the beautiful signs for her again this year. Each year Miss Pam picks even more beautiful things to work with. Mimi's house is now one big glitter bowl inside & out. But that's okay because Miss Paisley is worth it!

Isn't she beautiful?
One little side note ~ when Mande was a little girl our home ec class had a "pretend" wedding and Mande was the flower girl for the beautiful bride . . . Miss Pam! Now, don't be looking at Mimi's feet with her flipflops on and certainly don't tell Granny!!
Guess what else happened on the acre today?
Finally, a BAKING PARTY!! Miss Emily and her sweet Mama, Miss Amanda, hurried home from their little trip just to bake cookies with Mimi. Of course, Miss Emily was wearing the precious little apron that
MISS JANICE was giving away earlier. Be sure to check out Miss Janice's wonderful
blog next week ~ you might just see Miss Emily and Miss Janice wearing matching aprons! Wonder what Miss Janice will be making?

See that cute black & white checked paper inside the spider tub, that's how the cute little apron arrived from Miss Janice. You know what, girls? When Mimi woke up this morning, that big ole spider had spun a web all over the bucket and around all the goodies inside. Emily was so excited ~ she LOVED the spider web, she said! Mimi had to add a few things ~ cookie mix, cookie cutters, decorator icing for Miss Emily & her Mama to use at home along with some cookies, a sucker and coloring book so she could be occupied while the cookies baked.

Miss Emily and Miss Amanda reading the sweet note from Miss Janice that came with the apron.
Emily and I had lots of fun baking . . . it was just like baking with my Fabulous Five!

She even wanted to stick her hand in the flour to feel it like a few other little ones I know! She also wore the ribbon from Miss Janice around her neck as a necklace. Such a doll!
I believe she loved her apron ~ I didn't get pictures but she wore the apron home. Before they left, while her Mama and I talked, Emily fluttered around the front yard just glowing in orange and black, holding onto that ghost sucker.
Then, this afternoon we had three little "hurricanes" come flying onto the acre. It just so happens that my beloved high school is playing those hurricanes tonight for homecoming. Now don't ya'll come up here and beat us on our special night!!

Tomorrow bright and early we're off to watch the DAWGS on their Homecoming Day and watch the A girls Mama do a little dancing. Do you think she'll still be looking like this?
It will be fun to see Mande, Taylor, Heather and Emily all on the field together ~ all between the hedges while a little history is being made . . . we have a new Uga and he'll be "sworn in" tomorrow during pre-game.
Everyone else is sleeping soundly so guess Mimi better head that way, too. C girls, ya'll be watching for Aunt Mande tomorrow while you're cheering on those Dawgs!
Miss Emily is just adorable! You are just too sweet to take up so much time with her:) I have posted her photos on my blog tonight!