Guess what these guys were watching after dinner? Of course, our beloved DAWGS were playing those stinking ole Gators ~ notice Granddaddy was missing . . . the little spooks had already begun ringing the bell!
The game didn't turn out like we had hoped but it sure was exciting to watch. You know G-Dawg was glued to the TV instead of handing out candy until it was over. Then he joined me in the golf cart at the end of the drive. Wasn't Mr. Greenjeans so smart to suggest that we load everything up in it and sit out there? Sure made for an easier night. Wish he had thought of it earlier so Mimi would have had time to decorate it more ~ but just wait til next year!!
The ole black cat treated 325 + little goblins who were brave enough to stroll down our dark and spooky street. (Look at Mimi's whiskers ~ I didn't even notice until I started to take off my makeup late that night even though Granddaddy said that he asked, "Wearing your whiskers a little low aren't you?" One cute teenage goblin even said my cat ears made me look sexy . . . Mimi's thinking she had already eaten too much chocolate!) Sweet Josie decided she needed to sit for her picture and to eat her candy.
Wasn't she a beautiful butterfly princess?
The jack-o-lanterns that lined the street around our yards were certainly inviting don't you think? Mimi took this picture of Miss Darlene's from the golf cart but trick or treaters came before I got a picture of ours. Just imagine them all around the culdesac.
The next morning Mimi enjoyed a warm cinnamon roll with my pumpkin spice coffee before starting the big switch from Halloween to Thanksgiving decorations, all the while thinking of new ways to be ready for those little goblins next year. From the excited descriptions of your Halloween fun, it sounds like we all had a blast. Now just don't get sick eating all that candy!!!!
I just love all of your decor!!! Your porch is lovely!!!