A baby chick whose mouth had thumb and forefinger prints
We were making carrots this year that would be covered with white polka dot fingerprints ~ the eggs were blown, I painted them orange, and the paint and decorating accessories were waiting in a box for our Saturday night "creative hour" but . . . (well, that's another story for another day).
Mimi printed these little booklets for each family, too, so you would have the history of the Easter Egg, a decription of the Easter Tree, and the 14-day scripture guide.
Amid school, work, dance classes, sports activities and whatever else takes up our days, it's always nice to have a visual reminder of God's amazing love for us . . . a reminder that no matter how long the winter, spring comes . . . a reminder of how much Jesus suffered for us . . . and . . . a reminder of The Beauty of the Cross.