Things are always a little strange around the acre and this Easter season is no exception . . .
Just take a look . . .
Remember how beautiful Granny's Christmas Cactus bloomed at Christmas this year? Well . . . when Granddaddy and I got home from our "Dream" vacation, I found Granny's Christmas cactus almost wilted out of the pot. Obviously I had forgotten to water it before we left. Immediately I sat it in the tub and begin soaking it in water. Later that night I added a little Miracle Grow to the water and . . .
when we came home from our marathon ballgame weekend on Sunday night, look what I found when I walked into our bathroom . . .
Y.E.S. Half of that Christmas cactus was blooming just in time for EASTER!! Have you ever?? Do you guess we've now seen everything as the saying goes? I don't know but it sure was a sweet surprise ~ another of Mimi's Miracle Moments to share with my Fabulous Five!
Another little spring miracle I wanted to show you is this little tin bird house . . . it has a blackcap chickadee's nest in it this year! It has been so much fun to watch them build the nest ~ they've worked so hard only stopping to feed on the feeders for a second. I guess they took my Welcome message to heart! Can't wait to hear little peeps coming from inside.Mimi's got to scoot for tonight ~ you know, Easter is this weekend and there's eggs to fill, beds to make and food to think about!
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