Last week . . . Saturday to Sunday . . . whataweekitwas . . . no mistake in typing . . . just no time during the week for spaces or breaths or much of anything but run, run, run!! But as hurried as it was, it was a week of sweet, sweet memories and much celebration! A week when God certainly showed up in a big way in our little town!! And a week of Mother's Day, and Derby Day, and grandbabies, and singing, and graduations, and recitals, and text messaging to keep up with a state basketball tournament we couldn't go watch, and TEAM IMPACT ~ WHEW!!!
It all started on Saturday, the 7th . . . Business Blitz and Derby Day with the A girls ~ Sunday was Mother's Day and "sundown to sundown" fasting (was actually in town this day all day . . . well, if you don't count driving in early that morning!) ~ Monday was the "mile radius walk" (whew, Granddaddy, Mr. Benny and I had much more than a mile!) ~ Tuesday = the prayer chain and dinner with the Lance's (gosh, I got to sit down for a few minutes). Then Wednesday brought . . . sweet, sweet music . . .

AG's class performed "HeeHaw" for their end-of-school program. You were sooo adorable with your braids and painted on freckles. You did great, AG!! Now, it's on to 2nd grade!
Thursday found me at dress rehearsal for "Butterfly Kisses" watching Butterfly Ailee perform with the seniors who had performed to this song in their very first recital. Cutest butterfly Mimi's ever seen!! Guess our "Moe's" dinner gave you all the energy you needed to work hard that late!
Then rush back to my post at the "product table" for TEAM IMPACT's 2nd Night.
Finally, Friday . . . well, good and bad . . . happy and sad . . . another of the Fabulous Five "graduates" from 4-Year Kindergarten ~ they're growing wayyyyyy toooo fast!!

Ailee, you did such a great job on your parts of the program. Mimi is so grateful to God for the healing of your precious little body from your ordeal with the strep infection . . . you're finally back to Mimi's little "beaming beauty!!"
Hope you had fun at your end-of-the-year party . . . wish we could have stayed but Granddaddy has to work sometime!
Day 3 + TEAM IMPACT = more than 150 new believers! Mimi and Granddaddy kept our cell phones on silent and in our pockets (actually mine was on the product table so I could see it) because Campbell was playing in the state AAU basketball tournament and we didn't want to miss the updates. How we wish we could have been there but we couldn't make that trip in a day and get back to church at night to work our posts. Next year, Mimi will have to send the state officials my schedule so they can arrange their state tournament so I can be there. Yeah, right, Mimi!
Saturday and the Neighborhood Yard Sale . . . nope, not this year . . . Mimi's off to a day full of Ballet Recitals.
This year you were in separate recitals ~ Ailee you were in the 12:30 show with your tap and ballet AND, of course, Mimi thought you were the best one -- I mean, just look at that head and pointed toe!
Anna Grace, during the 4:00 show you were the perfect ballerina . . . even Granddaddy commented on how perfect your arms, head and toes were and how you didn't have to look at the teacher this year ~ guess he's learned a little about ballet during all these years after all.
Again, Granddaddy and I had our cell phones on silent in our hands to get updates on the tournament. Way to go Campbell and Team Flight for great playing!!! We're proud of you!
After intermission, it was a flying trip back home for the 4th night of TEAM IMPACT. Glad we could sneak a bite at Appalacian Grill between the shows! I know ya'll aren't going to believe this, especially Matt, but Mimi was in bed by 10:30 or 11:00 each night this week (and we didn't get home from church until 9:30 each night). I can't remember when I have ever been so tired . . . do you think this means Mimi's getting old? Ah, can't be!!
Mimi and the boys of TEAM IMPACT ~ WOW, they're big!!
Sunday morning found Granddaddy and I at church at 8:00 helping with the New Believer's Breakfast ~ totally missed Sunday School with 153 eating but couldn't miss church and all those baptisms and Trey speaking (he's the last one on the right).
Guess what Mimi did after church? Yes, I did . . . I took a little nap, or as Pop would say, I rested my eyes! And it felt good, too. May have to try that more often on Sunday afternoons. Even Granddaddy didn't go to the golf course . . . reckon he's getting old, too?
Then at 6:00 it was time to go back for the final night of TEAM IMPACT. Here's a quote from Pastor Jeremy about the week . . . "I want to praise God . . . 3,269 people have walked through the doors of our church in 5 days. More AWESOME than that . . . 237 have made Christ their KING. God be praised . . . we baptized 32 this morning and had 153 in a new believers breakfast. When God's people FAST and PRAY and have FAITH . . . God has the ability to respond. He is mighty to save . . . we have seen a move of God . . . and the work has just begun."
Yes, praises to our God for an amazing week of memories, salvations (our church and precious Ailee), celebrations and safe travel!
now onto another week that promises to be just as busy ~ hope I can keep up!!