While the A girls mama and daddy were off to the service league Derby event that mama and Miss Julie planned and decorated . . .
getting dressed
Just look at that southern gent and his lady!
Mimi and girls had our own Derby celebration ~ first we designed out hats, changed clothes to match the hats (sorry mama for all the extra laundry!) and posed for pictures to send to mama and Granddaddy.
Just look at those hats!
AG and I were definitely betting on this little cutie riding Pants on Fire! Ailee's pick was #5, while Adelynn yelled out "16" when asked which number she wanted (remember she's only 2 1/2 so she didn't really understand but has heard her "abc's" and "1,2,3's" enough to know a number . . . and besides she thought the red hat worn by the jockey looked like Mickey Mouse!).
Of course, we had to have our "mint" juleps ~ ours were actually lemonade but ooops . . . Mimi forgot the mint! ~~ as we watched the horses parade into the starting gate.
Then in just 2 short minutes we had a WINNER!!
Adelynn was so excited her "Mickey" horse won!!!
Then it was time to load up our buggy and head on over to Ronald Macs for chicken and fries which, of course, had to include a little romp on the playground and a chocolate sundae!
Oh, the fun of being a Southern Mimi!!
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