. . . belongs to Granddaddy Greenjeans for his City Vegetable Garden ~ ya'll remember the spot . . . the exact place Mimi's wonderful new swimming pool was going?
Well, his garden was such a success last year that he planted another one this year. Just look how it's growing!!
Look, the squash are blooming!
There's little green tomatoes on little vines. Mimi's feeding them Miracle Grow every other day hoping to help them along.
Just look at that corn ~ sweet, juicy yellow corn for "corn on the cob" and that great tasting Silver Queen for creamed corn that ya'll love to put over your okra. The green beans are running all up the jute already!
Maybe by the time Camp Mimi rolls around there'll be fresh veggies on the "mess hall" table every night! Yummy!!!
Thanks, Granddaddy Greenjeans for planting us a vegetable garden again (although it sure would be fun swimming in our own yard when the cousins are here!).
Just in case you're wondering what's new in Mimi's Garden today . . .

Yes, long after Easter is past, the beautiful Easter lilies are blooming! Can't you just smell that wonderful aroma all the way to your houses? But in this HEAT wave, they won't last long.
In answer to the daily question "What are you doing today" or "What did you do today, Mimi?" . . . well, remember that pine straw Mr. Wayne brought . . . that's what Mimi's doing today.
Have a GREAT first day of VBS, A girls!
CJ, I hope the first day of basketball camp goes well ~ you're sure getting your round ball fix this week after an out-of-town, 3-day tournament over the weekend and camp this week! Cybie, Mimi hopes your week with Miss Dot is off to a great start, too!
Love you girls, all the muches!!