On Tuesday, June 7, Granddaddy and Mimi celebrated 41 years of wedded bliss . . .
well, at least some of the time . . . just kidding, granddaddy! FORTY-ONE YEARS ~ Wow!! Seems like only yesterday. Funny how I can remember almost every detail of that day and the day before (college graduation and an all-night sewing party to remake a Junior Groomsman's tux , who could forget that?) and can't even call ya'll by the right names. Anyway,

Happy Anniversary to Us!

We celebrated with a
"romantic" candelight, after-movie snack on the deck
. . . our favorite chocolate cake and homemade ice cream we had made on Sunday night.
See this little cake topper . . .
well, 41 years ago it decorated the top of Mimi and Granddaddy's wedding cake. Can you believe Gran kept it for all those years? I found it way back on a shelf in the bottom of her china cabinet.
Thanks, Mama for keeping our little topper!!

Now we're counting down to
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