. . . while we're waiting . . .

We enjoyed Grandparents Day in the cafeteria with the A girls
then . . .
We celebrated Baby A's 3rd Birthday with a precious Vintage Butterfly Party!
Here's just a peek since Mommy hasn't posted her pictures yet.
Mimi was so excited because her "homemade" pinwheels really did spin with the wind!
then . . .
We did a little sightseeing while the C girls were in school during our babysitting week. The leaves weren't yet turning but everything was decorated for fall.
Enjoying the beautiful fall decorations at Mimi's favorite place ~ The Christmas Place ~ except for that flag in the background, but the color is a fall color.
This is for you, Mommy and Mammaw!!
This cute crow is what Granddaddy needs for his garden.
Look!! We even found Santa!
We got to attend a football game and help last year's beautiful Homecoming Queen, Cousin Lacee, crown her successor. Boy, did it get cold in the mountains!
Weekends equal sports for the C girls . . .

Cybil's Soccer in the Morning

Campbell's Softball in the Afternoon and all day Sunday
We did it, girls! Mimi and Granddaddy got you everywhere you needed to be and even got homework and aced a spelling test! Plus we got to throw in a little eating out, crafts, shopping and yard work. With your busy schedules, the week passed way too quickly.
Then . . .
The next week it was fall break and Apple Pickin' with the A girls
We petted some very cute little animals and a few big ones . . .

After buying fried apple pies, boiled peanuts and some golden delicious apples, we had
lunch in the quaint little town over the mountains where scarecrows lined the streets.

We even tried on a few Halloween faces. And don't forget our acorn-picking trip in the golf cart at DCC ~ sorry Mimi forgot the camera for that one! The beautiful green acorns you picked with Granddaddy at Mr. Wendell's now fill my candle holders. How fun was the car show you went to with Granddaddy, even if you had to hurry home to watch those DAWGS; sorry Campbell and Mommy but I know Daddy and Cybil were pretty excited like we were on the Acre! Mimi also forgot to take pictures of the cute little "boo" banners you made for your teachers. Maybe Mommy will post those later.
Now, with much more Fall Fun on the horizon, Mimi is taking this week to enjoy the last flowers of the season
and do a little sewing. Can you smell Mimi's gardenias? Yumm, the house smells wonderful! Mimi's holding tight to these verses this week . . . "My soul finds rest in God alone; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Psalms 62:1-2
Hope everyone is having some Fall Fun of your own this week!
Love you to the moon and back, little monkeys!!!
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