Granddaddy and the A girls picking out special books
AG got smart this year and had them hold her books so they wouldn't get gone ~ guess being 2 grades ahead has its advantages! Finally, Ailee picked something besides sticker books! Mimi even got a book for the Nest. Can't wait until you're all here so we can read it!
Then, Saturday morning brought the first Ballgame . . .
Cybil's first soccer game of the season!
Would you believe you and A are the same age?
This year you were much more agressive and really knew what you were doing ~ well, except you wouldn't wear your shinguards under your socks like normal. But that didn't slow you down. You and Brody make quite a team ~ maybe next week you'll have all your players there.
2 red players ~ 4 white players
doesn't seem equal but ya'll proved quality definitely outranks quantity
Now I wonder if these chuckles from the 2 Daddys were when Claire made her comment about "a family all together going on vacation" when she saw the plane overhead? This said as she chased after the ball. Or when Cybil slipped on the wet grass and busted her bottom? Funny girls!
Next up was another basketball tournament for CJ . . .
Champions once again!!!!
2 out of 3 isn't a bad start!
Keep this up and you'll get to visit Mickey in Orlando for Nationals
After the ballgames, a little early Birthday celebration for MT and Mimi . . .
Thank goodness we only had a few candles!
And we ended the weekend on Sunday morning with a little Bear breakfast . . .

Not only was he cute, he was Yummy!!
Thanks to all Mimi's Monkeys for letting us visit with you this weekend. We had a blast at all of our "B" activities and especially getting all the hugs and kisses from all of you.
Mimi's just wondering how much longer we'll get to travel north and south to visit our babies with gas prices going up and up and up some more. Maybe I should have kept my "valuables" to yard sale and made some gas money! Anyway, we're sure to find a way ~ we couldn't make it without our sweet visits!
Hope ya'll have a great week!!!
Not long now until spring break and the Easter Bunny!!
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