Not for Mimi exactly; but different parts of the family celebrated for 2 straight weeks . . .
guess that's what happens when spring breaks don't coincide.
Sorry this is so blurry, CJ but you can still tell your friend you had your picture made in front of her cousin. Although Mimi didn't get to see the end of the tourney, Daddy kept me updated and it sounded like you played awesome with a team 1st place!! Congratulations!
Saturday night, Mimi traveled south to help Mande with her MJ 'last release' clothing party before we started making our way to the sugar white sand.
From Monday to Friday, just building sand castles, playing in the ocean and the pool that was right beside our door, and eating in all the wonderful places from Rosemary to Grayton Beach.

and, of course, we spent just a little time in the precious shops of Seaside, Seacreast and Rosemary
always ending with a treat from the Sugar Shak
then Week 2
found the P family in historic Charleston playing in the sun and sand.

swimming in the ocean and pool, riding bikes and even finding alligators!

Mimi can't wait to see all those pictures of ya'll in your bikinis. When Mommy posts some, I'll borrow them for here, okay?
Now it's back to reality . . .
washing clothes, cleaning house, and the thing Mimi likes best, playing in the dirt!!
All the while dreaming of July and when all my babies will be under one roof on one white sandy beach together!

You've all grown just a little since the last time, don't you think?
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