Monkey #3 decided at the beginning of summer that she was finished with ballet and wanted to commit full time to gymnastics. Mommy was a little skeptical but "A" insisted. Not only did she do well, she made the Level 2 competition team! Competition began the 3rd weekend in August with a mock competition on Friday at her gym. She was first place overall in that and we were beyond excited!

Saturday found Mimi and Granddaddy biting our fingernails as we watched each and every move. There's just so much going on at one time ~ that alone is nerve racking!

The closest feeling I have to compare watching this to is how I felt when I watched Matt wrestle when he was in middle school. Just like then, I found myself trying to help them in the stands . . . stretching my legs, pointing my toes, holding my breath! And the scoring and trying to keep up with it all in the booklet!! Glad her Daddy was there!!

She was the first in her local group to get this move (which is a Level 3 move) {no, Mimi has no clue what it's called, every time I try to say it, it's wrong} and got to ring the bell while everyone stopped what they were doing that day in class and yelled and clapped for her. Very exciting for her!! So, of course, we were on pins and needles holding our breaths when she was one the bar at competition. BUT SHE DID IT ALL BY HERSELF ~ no help from "Coach" needed!!

Her ballet training really helps with her floor routine! So those 4 years of money spent on that isn't going to waste!
Just look at that pose!

And she left the competition with a 1st place in bar and vault, a 2nd place in beam and floor and FIRST place overall against 6 other teams!!! WAY TO GO, Ailee!!!!! There's her teammate in 3rd place overall with a bunch of metals around her neck as well. The entire team did great and we're looking forward to the next competition in September. Glad we had a little time for my nerves to unwind!
With five little girls who were into everything, it's almost a given that we'll be traveling lots of paths as we watch them grow. As they mature, they will decide on what makes them most happy. For now, 3 monkeys have chosen a path . . . #1 is concentrating on basketball and golf, #2 is strictly ballet after trying her hand foot at tap, and now #3 has taken a different road from her big sister ~ she's a gymnast all the way!! The two little ones are still trying it all . . . even added gymnastics to their own agendas . . but are still a little young to decide on which road they will travel. Only one thing is certain . . . that whatever road they are traveling, Mimi and Granddaddy will be walking with them supporting them all the way!!
Mimi knows I'm wayyyyyy past due for the Cousins Camp post but I can't seem to know how to load the software for my new cameral correctly. Guess I'm going to have to call in help so I can get this up and your books ordered. Maybe soon!!
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