If you guessed Princess #3 after the previous entry, you're exactly right!!
This spring brought a new adventure into your life ~~ soccer!! You were the cutest little player out there and we loved watching you run after the ball. You improved so much from when the season began but you looked so little out there in all that protection gear. Mimi was greatly impressed that you never tried to catch the ball or use your hands ~~ boy that would have been hard for me! We can't wait until next season!
You celebrated turning 4 with a Snowflake Princess Party that you completely designed yourself ~~ all centered around your "Beautiful Winter Dress" you designed for Santa to bring you. The simple fact that all you asked for was a beautiful winter dress that had to be just a certain way out of a certain fabric shows how independant you are. You're also sassy, sweet, loving, full of energy while also being a sleepyhead in the mornings . . . as your big sister calls you now . . . you're just our little "wild child." You keep everything lively ~~ things are always popping when you're here; but it sure does make for an empty house when you're gone. It will be so much fun watching all that God has planned for you as you touch the lives of others with your warmth and exuberance.
As Granny used to say, "If the Lord's willing . . . "
. . . your birthday wishes will be on the right date next year . . . until then, just keep us laughing!!
Notice the sleeves on the green dress ~ you'll see that again ~ and you & your favorite yellow "blankie"
You know the rest of the hospital story but just to make sure your little ones will know . . .The delivery nurse listed her as a he complete with a blue name card on the incubator. The mistake wasn't realized until a nurse from the pediatric clinic came in and announced, "Well, you have another little boy." WHAT? After calling the delivery doctor in to verify that I had indeed delivered a SHE, the little pink card went on before any of the family got to see you. But, I mean, did they not even look at you????? Glad I was awake for this birth!!!
Can't you just see the "little mess" you were in the picture on the right?
Notice the sleeves in that picture, too?
All the memories of you as a baby, toddler and first grader are being replayed through your precious little ones. One of them will say or do something and it's like it's 25 or 30 years ago all over. Everything about your looks changed so except your Granny's black eyes that each of your girls look like you at different stages. I know, you're thinking "But, they look so different from each other." True, but I still see you in each of them. It was so much fun being your Mommy and watching you grow. But, you grew up on us way too fast it seems ~~ it feels like I'm saying this alot lately ~~ but where did all those years go?? Are you really 32 with a husband, three beautiful girls, and a growing business? It seems like only yesterday you were wearing the little silver sequin costume the girls love to play dress up in now.
Thank you for letting me be the chaperone for all the spring break trips to the beach during high school. I'll never forget the long plane ride to London with cheerleaders from all over the United States. And dance competitions . . . And Junior Miss . . . And Georgettes . . . And Miss Georgia ~~ Whew!!!! . . . no wonder those years passed so quickly!!
We're so proud of the beautiful Godly woman you are today. And you make my head spin with all you do each day!!! As if being a mommy to three little ones isn't enough, you're The Monogram Monkey, too. We love you all the muches and wish you the best birthday ever!!
Happy 32nd Birthday, Monkey!!!
Tomorrow I'm playing a little "catch up" on birthdays so check back to see who's next. Could it be the one who probably most reminds me of her mommy right now . . . . . . . we'll see tomorrow!!
Granddaddy is enjoying his day doing what he does most Sunday afternoons ~ Golf ~ guess you're not surprised about that, though. He loved hearing the "Happy Father's Day" greetings from all his little princesses today. Maybe they helped his golf game!
Pastor Jeremy based the sermon this morning on Ephesians 6:4:
"And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
These were his main points:
Godly fathers point their kids to the grace of God and the giver of life by:
Happy First Father's Day to Pastor Jeremy!!
I praise God daily for the Godly fathers in my life ~~ my Daddy, my father-in-law, my husband and my sons. May God continue to pour His grace on you, Matt and Jon, as you bring up our precious granddaughters in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. May your lives always mirror God's grace so that your girls will want what you have ~ a Father like your Heavenly Father. Thank you, Danny, for being that kind of Daddy to our 2 wonderful children. Pappaw, thank you for being a wonderful example of how to be a "Daddy" to my sweet husband. And last but not least, thank you, Daddy, for being a living example of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for Dan and I. I miss you so much ~ how I would love to feel your hugs again and to hear Mama tell me just once more, "This, too, shall pass." No day passes that I don't thank God for you both and for having you as my parents.
Matt and Jon, I hope you both had a day filled with squeals of delight, slobbery kisses and bear hugs ~~ doing whatever makes you happy with all your girls!
I love you muches!!!!!!
So far, 2010 has held alot of "biggies" for me . . . turning 62 . . . getting my "Uncle Sam" check . . . celebrating 40 years with hubby . . . graduation of the oldest in the 4th generation . . . wedding of the baby of the 3rd generation . . . then, today . . .
What fun we had!!
Today's excursion took us to the Cumberland County Playhouse to see . . .
It was wonderful!!
Our Fearless Pilots
Other than moving around so during our early marriage (all within a 5-mile radius), our lives have been rather stable—me same teaching job at same school I graduated from for 31 years while Mr. Green Acre has worked at the same job 39 years after finishing army reserve training, members of the church we grew up in, and now living again next door to my first neighbor, "Mimi Clydene." The distance we've traveled has been small, but the number of miles and all they've contained have been tremendous.
What a journey "Through the Years" ~~ and just so you know, I still love you all the muches!!!!
Three Generations ~~ the granddad, the graduate, the mama
Congratulations on the scholarship you won AND how appropriate that our little history buff would be the one who's graduating class celebrated the 75th year of MCHS graduations. You looked great tonight with all that honor gold around your neck!!
But tonight's ending is really only the beginning. Before long, we'll be in Sanford stadium waiting to hear "The REDCOATS are coming" and watching for you and Heather to come running between the hedges ~ you playing Glory, Glory to Ole' Georgia on your trombone while Heather flashes her pompoms as a Georgette.
The little brothers are so proud of their big brother
(even if one's not quite so "little" any more)