S - E - V - E - N!!
That sounds so old, Campbell Jane!

The whole family--both sides worth--gathered in the waiting room for your arrival. You, like your Aunt Mande who celebrated her birthday only 2 days before you were born, took your own sweet time. You finally made your entrance looking just like your Daddy. Oh, you looked so tiny ~~ would I remember how to hold a baby? Of course, I would and did, even though your Daddy wasn't so sure at first ~~ wonder who took care of him when he was a baby?? Your eyes changed to beautiful clear blue like your mommy's ~ and now you're looking more and more like your cousin, Macie. I love that beautiful dimple of yours ~ it just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

Now, you're going into 2nd grade and are playing coach-pitch softball with the 8 & 9 year olds. Whew, 12 hours is a long time for this Mimi at the ball park but it brings back such sweet memories of the times we traveled for your daddy to play. You're an awesome basketball player, too, ~ it's fun to watch your daddy coach you. And, of course, an A student. Congratulations on all your special honors this year! But, so far, the thing Mimi is most proud of is the decision you made at VBS on Wednesday ~~ accepting Jesus into your heart as your Savior. I have no doubt that you completely understand all that means ~ I've listened to your conversations and know you comprehend things well beyond your 7 years. I look forward to seeing how God uses your little life for His Glory! What a birthday present!!

We had so much fun at your's and Cybil's party even if Mimi couldn't dunk your daddy in the dunken booth. So glad we could "blow" that rain storm away right before your party time!

Happy 7th Birthday, Princess #1
We love you all the muches!!!!
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