On June 7, 1970 I walked down the aisle on my Daddy’s arm to meet my groom and our journey began. I had married "The Boy Next Door." Now, looking back, it has been a fast 40 years. It hasn’t always been easy but it’s definitely been worth it. Like any great journey . . . rocky some times, smooth sailing others . . . but always worth the effort!
After 5 moves in the first 5 years, 2 beautiful babies (not to mention a menagerie of dogs, cats, fish, birds, hamsters, frogs, and some I'm sure I've left out), and now 5 fabulous granddaughters, we’re back where we started—just the two of us trying to put down more roots after our 6th move.
Guess it really all started the summer before 9th grade when the "new neighbors" moved across the street. They had 2 sons--one my age and the other a year younger than my brother. Quickly, they became part of the neighborhood gang playing tag football in our front yard and staying out 'til late catching lighting bugs. The neighbor boy and I never dated during the first three years of high school--he was always just there--just a friend. He went away to military school our senior year. He just happened to be home on the weekend of the MCHS senior prom. After the prom, all the "Queens" (that will have to be another post I'm sure) and their dates gathered at our favorite hang out--"the truck stop"--to eat. He came up with some of his friends who had taken their dates home already. Neighbor boy's prom was later than ours and guess what~~ that night he asked me to go with him to his prom . . . A MILITARY PROM . . . I just couldn't turn that down. His friend also invited my best friend to go, so off we went with my future in-laws. That military prom became the first of many dates for us and 4 short years later after graduating from UGA on Saturday, June 6, I married my best friend on Sunday, June 7. Like all best friends, we've had our ups and downs but we're always there for each other ~~ we've always had each other's backs.
Other than moving around so during our early marriage (all within a 5-mile radius), our lives have been rather stable—me same teaching job at same school I graduated from for 31 years while Mr. Green Acre has worked at the same job 39 years after finishing army reserve training, members of the church we grew up in, and now living again next door to my first neighbor, "Mimi Clydene." The distance we've traveled has been small, but the number of miles and all they've contained have been tremendous.
Would I do it all again? Most definitely!! Like most everyone else, if given the chance, I might make a few changes; but, right now, I can't even think what those might be. God has poured many blessings on us during this lifetime together ~~ the greatest two ~~ a handsome son and a beautiful daughter who kept us very busy when they were growing up. But I wouldn't have traded that for anything because all of that "buziness" (not sure that's a word) molded them into the amazing man and woman they are today. They both chose mates that are as wonderful as they are and we're as proud of our other "daughter" and "son" as we are our own. Now, after 9 and 10 years of marriage, they're getting their "payback" through the little beauties they have given back to us ~~ our Fabulous Five! It's harder for Mimi and Granddaddy to keep up the 2nd time around; but it sure is fun trying.
How are we celebrating such a milestone? Dinner out tonight (that sweet man I married said we might go to Krystal) and maybe a little get-a-way for just the 2 of us after the activities of spring slow down and we get into the lazy-hazy-crazy days of summer since we're having our BIG family vacation in the fall. Not super exciting I know, but we're saving that for #50!!! Yes, we do plan on beating the odds and making it to that together. Those ten years will fly by if it's anything like the past 40! But for now . . .
Happy 40th Anniversary to Us!!

What a journey "Through the Years" ~~ and just so you know, I still love you all the muches!!!!
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