to the Joy of Christmas 2011!
Is it really the 8th of January? And Mimi hasn't posted the Christmas pictures YET? Well, here's just a quick look back before we spring full-force into 2012 and all the new and exciting things it will bring.
As posted earlier, Granddaddy and I took a weekend trip to Nashville with the A girls
then . . .
a trip to visit the C girls for a basketball game

and a very special dinner date with "Little" C
where she got to pick out her very own new Caroler to represent
her Christmas performance with the little choir at church.
(sorry Mimi doesn't have a picture of you singing, Cybie!)
didn't she do a good job of picking one that looks just like her?
then . . .
We were off to watch a ballet performance by a very special A girl
then back to watch a budding violinist perform in her very first recital
which prompted the purchase of a new Caroler for AG picked out especially for her by Granddaddy
can't you see the resemblance even down to the red dresses?
then another trip on the weekend before Christmas to watch the youngest member of Timothy II perform in the Nativity
then . . .
back home for Santa to come
a new tradition!
They got the gift but we'll have to wait about the luck part ~ anyway it was a new fun thing to do while we waited on the other sleighloads of guests to arrive.
Christmas Eve at Mimi and Granddaddys brought all the family except Scotty and Sweet Baby Josie. Josie was the sick one this year and Danielle and Scotty took turns going to family Christmas dinners to stay with her. They were truly missed at Mimi's!!
The Cousins' Table
Sweet Niece and Nephew
Kaleb entertained us with HIS dancing skills while we waited for Pate and Taylor to arrive
but I'm not so sure the girls were impressed!!
After the last guests left, we opened our Christmas Eve PJ's which again were Christmas Eve gowns, threw food out for Santa's reindeer and got the cookies and milk ready for Santa before flying up to the Nest to the sound of sleigh bells for a "good winter's nap" which Mimi is needing about right now so I'll finish tomorrow!
Good Night!!