First, we left right after Christmas to finish up a Christmas gift to the A girls . . .
The Swing Set
For Christmas, Mimi and Granddaddy gave ya'll swings and a trapeze bar to go on the swing set your daddy wanted to build (your little red bags contained money for all the wood and etc needed). He needed Granddaddy to help with the building and Mimi just tagged along to play.
Hard at Work
Yes, Daddy did most of the work and Granddaddy did most of the watching.
AG getting Riley to perform her tricks while G-Dawg and Daddy worked
Is this the right place, Mom?
After Mr. Robby helped them drill the holes for the posts, Daddy poured the concrete. Unfortunately for ya'll, it had to dry for 7 days before you could start enjoying it.

Just "a swingin" while Riley keeps watch. Be careful on those monkey bars across the top, please!!
The Winter Fair
After the swing set was up, Mimi and Granddaddy came home, repacked our clothes and headed north for some winter fun. We were going to stay with the C girls during the day and watch a Christmas Basketball Tournament at night. CJ decided that Christmas Day Camp would be more fun than staying with us, so Little Cybie took us to the Christmas Fair.
This was probably your most fun ride!
Mimi's neck hurt just taking pictures.
G-Dawg was a great sport to ride and let Mimi take pictures.
Sissy sure did miss some fun . . .
We even saw two of Santa's reindeer who had come back to visit.

Of course, ya'll had to put on that "other" color and cheer for the UT Round-Ball Boys.
Cute cheerleaders but would have been cuter in your red and black! You know Mimi just likes to kid with ya'll about my Dawgs and your Hounds.
Now, we're back home where Granddaddy is working on his "special project" (another post later for sure) and Mimi is working on goodies for the next holiday. Valentines will be here soon. Can you believe that January is already more than half over?
And, oh yes, Mimi has started to an exercise class so I can get in shape to keep up with all the running I'll be doing this summer just trying to keep up with all of ya'll. Don't tell your Daddy and Mommy but it really does seem to be helping my back and knees. Guess my 2 doctors do know something!
Have a great weekend! Hopefully, it isn't raining where ya'll are.
That is the cutest header ever...with some really cute girls....Love your blog...Hope you will stop by...I have a prayer request for a young Mom that I dearly love....and she is struggling...