. . . August 5, 2010
Today my sweet Daddy would have been 91 years old.
On a park picnic in March, 1997 while ya'll were home for college spring break.
His 80th Birthday Surprise Party ~ not really sure what this gift was and, love his heart, he had already torn off part of his apron wording ~~ I really needed my embroidery machine then! He was so happy to see all of his friends and was so totally surprised he didn't even realize for a while what was happening -- he just couldn't understand why they had come from all over to eat barbeque to support our FFA ~~ guess my little "white lies" really worked! Sorry, Daddy, but you weren't normally that easy to surprise.
Happy Birthday!! We love and miss you so!
Today is special for another reason ~~ a happy reason, even if I'm wiping tears while writing!
Anna Grace started First Grade today!
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