Fall's a comin'!! Hot days, cool nights . . . the sound of trumpets echoing through the trees in our backyard . . . colored leaves beginning to trickle down . . . but, most of all, the excitement . . . because with Fall comes FOOTBALL!!
Friday Night Lights and the Boys of Fall
This morning I got a call that said, "Check your email, I've sent you something you're going to love!" Love it, YES I did!! If you love Fall & Football like I do or you've ever had a Boy of Fall of your own, check it out. But be sure and come back, though, for the rest of the post.

Pop, 1st coach and biggest fan ~~ punting practice in the back yard ~~ Christmas 1979

Senior Year 1991-1992

Quarterback ~ Punter ~ Defensive End

Don't ask me why we weren't smiling like the families in the video ~ after all, he had a wonderful high school career, was selected to play in the North-South game, received a scholarship to play at the next level ~~ so why so sad--my guess now is that none of us were ready for that season of our lives to end.
But it did and then we became football gypsies ~ weekends meant travel--lots of miles by car and even some plane rides, hard seats in many stadiums, lots of phone calls home to check on the little sister, sweaty hugs, and lots of yelling!

Go Eagles!!
The hardest part of these 5 seasons was having to put on ORANGE!

You even got a little muddy from time to time: The Mud Bowl
Nothing like a play-off game in the MUD

You ended your football career just as you started it ~~ with your greatest supporter~~your POP!
What would I change about all those years if I could . . . well, here's just a few things.

Your only broken arm (6th grade Rec ball) ~ the camp injury that made you lose your junior year of high school ~ the 1st knee injury at Gardner Webb ~ the final knee injury that cost you your last chance at a National Championship which made receiving your college diploma on the sidelines in Alabama a much sadder time than we anticipated when you seniors decided to "not walk."
But it was a great ride with memories that we will all cherish for the rest of our lives. You made friends along the way that have enriched your life and ours; and, thankfully, came out of it with only a few permanent scars.
So tonight, go watch a little football, cheer for your favorite team, and remember your days as a Boy of Fall!
As for me, I'll be heading "across the river" to watch our newest Georgette perform at half-time all the while enjoying being under those LIGHTS again and smelling that fresh-stomped ground!
I'm so looking forward to fall and all the traditions that come with it!!!