Waiting on the campers!
Hope ya'll had as much fun as Mimi & Granddaddy! Look how much you have grown in only 1 short year . . .
Traditional camp favorites: swimming at Miss Sheila's; golfing with Granddaddy; pizza, popcorn & a movie; crafts; cooking (special treats this year were "Thank You Cupcakes" for Miss Sheila & Mr. Jim for letting you swim); S-mores; and the breakfast tea party on the deck complete with our pink polka dot tea pitcher and cups.
This year's new "field trip" ~ The ZOO!!
We had a B I G first this year on the 2nd day of camp . . . Anna Grace lost her 1st top tooth while we were eatting dinner at "Five Guys, Burgers and Fries!!" You were such a big girl to pull it yourself. AND . . . the tooth fairy even found you at Mimi's!

Cousins Camp 2009 ~ Picking flowers for the "Mimi & Me" Tea Party
Here you are ~ my little stairsteps ~ ready for our "Mimi & Me" Watermelon Party which, of course, had to include W-A-T-E-R!! Great job coloring your watermelons! Notice we added a new camper this year ~ turning 3 has its advantages, doesn't it Cybil?
Camp started on Sunday this year with a lunch of good food from Granddaddy's garden ~~ what did you like most . . . the corn or the okra? So glad AG's & AC's mommy, daddy & baby Adelynn could join us for some homecookin! Right after lunch you all had to open your treasure boxes which held your camp shirts, flipflops, and a red ball cap for our special surprise trip; but first you opened a big camp gift . . . a water slide/pool.

All Mimi's Monkeys
I think all your friends who came for the Mimi & Me Watermelon Party really liked the water balloons, your homemade bubbles, and water slide until the rain came and forced us inside. Then, as usual, "dress up" was the favorite activity along with your "cars." Wonder what fun party we can plan for next year with all of Mimi's friends and their Fabulous Girls? It's going to be so much fun to look back over the years and see how all of you have grown. We really missed those who were out of town ~ maybe next year!

One morning during breakfast one of you ask if you would still come to cousins camp when you got in high school. "YES, of course, and even when you are married, you'll have to tell your husbands you have to go to Mimi's for Cousins Camp without them," was my answer. A Mimi can dream can't she? After all, as my new sign by the back door says . . .
where cousins meet to become best friends"
. . . and besides . . . where else other than camp can you live in pj's, swimsuits, & flipflops???
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