to a new adventure . . . today we drove the '65 corvette to our first-ever "Cruise In." We traveled in a caravan of 4 old vehicles for an hour's drive just to raise the hood, sit under a tent, do a little shopping in the cutest little shops, eat at a great resturant (or it would have been if they had only taken reservations so the wait wasn't so long!) then load up and drive an hour back home. Might I add that the temperature was only 98 degrees? But the girls cheated and rode in the Bronco which was air conditioned, YEAH!! The highlight was when 3 of our little angels came to check out granddaddy's little red car while we were there; of course, they brought Mommy and Daddy.
I must admit that it really was fun ~ not something I would want to do every weekend but once a month maybe; even though, MT said that doing so meant "we were officially OLD."
Here's a little review of some of my favorite cars . . .

Granddaddy and his Baby

Now, don't these bring back memories?

Cheryl's Bronco ~ thanks for the air-conditioned ride!

Danny's '64 Galaxy

Mr. Wendell just got in on the "old toy" act last month when he bought his '63 splitwindow corvette. It gave us a little scare when we pulled into the lot, though ~ smoke was boiling out from under the hood.

Here the boys are trying to decide exactly why there was smoke. Miss Darlene and Miss Cheryl looking on in the background not wanting to get too close. Turned out it was nothing major and a gallon of water the "A" girls brought him fixed the problem. Thank goodness ~ not sure we could have pushed it all the way back home!

Now isn't this just the cutest little thing ever?
Gotta love a man and his red corvette!!
Thanks, Danny & Cheryl, for inviting us. It was definitely a fun little adventure and I'm sure we'll be Cruisin' again real soon!
P.S. on Sunday night~~
Just found out that another sweet couple now have an old toy ~ a jeep ~ another couple to cruise with!! Mr. & Mrs. B, get your cruisin' clothes on!!
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