Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Saturday Night Date

to see the movie ~

Seven Days in Utopia

yes, ladies and it is wonderful!!

D and I decided our golfers needed a treat so we invited them to

Dinner and a Movie

and are we ever glad we did!

We laughed, we cried (well, Mimi did anyway) and, as a mama, mama-in-law, and wife of golfers, I sat there easily substituting Lucas Chisholm for my men . . . some days on the course aren't as good as others and I've listened quietly to enough stories of those days to know that tempers can and often do fly high . . . clubs do get broken or at least thrown, hats do get jerked off and phones really do get thrown away.  Then the next day, there they go off again to their passion, their "hobby," their relaxation.

My prayer for my men is that they never lose sight of their Utopia in golf but more importantly in life ~ they know that things happen for a reason, that God is always in control even though He leaves us to make our own decisions without Him (which more often than not leads to our downfall) and know that God is always waiting on our return to Utopia ~~ to the life He has planned for us when we just simply follow.

Love you to the moon and back!!


ps:  CJ, Mimi didn't spoil the ending for Granddaddy and I'm praying you won't learn all the lessons your daddy and granddaddy have learned about the game of golf ~ just stay early in your Utopia!

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