Things are a little different now. Memorial Day usually means lunch at the Country Club followed by the Gordon Group's round of golf for Granddaddy while I come home to "piddle." This year we joined the Lances, the Gordons, and the Jones at DCC for lunch. My afternoon piddling included fixing a "cool" dinner for daddy and I on the deck ~~ if we don't have the pool now, at least we can enjoy the view of daddy's vegetable garden (which was to be my pool spot!!) and the mosquitos.
Doesn't it look all festive? Notice only one place is set? Well, that's because for the 1st holiday ever, I ate by myself ~~ loads of fun!! Golf took a little longer than anticipated this year and by 7:00 I just couldn't wait any longer . . . the shrimp might swim back to sea. Crisp green salad with loads of cranberries and honey roasted almonds, sweet corn on the cob, baked potato (yes, it's running over with sour cream), fresh fruit, shrimp cocktail and a big glass of sweet tea with lemon and mint. It was yummy!
And no summer holiday was ever complete without Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream made from Granny's recipe . . .
On Saturday night, Daddy even got the Little Red Car out so we could go for a ride, but guess what . . . no brakes!! So he just drove it back into the garage with me standing between the back garage wall and the car ~~ now I wonder what his purpose really was in having me stand there?
Anyway, I didn't get hurt ~ the car stopped just before it got to me. And, as the flags continued to wave at the entrance to the subdivision, we ended our Memorial Day weekend eating our homemade ice cream with a yummy chocolate cake and having good conversation with our neighbors, Wendell and Darlene.
Even my holiday rose was blooming!
sorry about the blurred pic ~ I'm still trying to learn to use the camera Mande gave me for Christmas.
Hope your Memorial Day Weekend was Wonderful and that you remembered to give Thanks to the service men and women who have paid and are still paying such a price so that we can continue to enjoy our holidays in the Land of the Free and to your Heavenly Father for allowing you to be born in this great country ~ Home of the Red, White, and Blue ~ America!!
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