Friday, November 12, 2010

Harvest Holiday

Before the busyness of baking, birthdays, and picking out the perfect Tom Turkey begins, Mimi wants to share a little of what the acre looks like for our Harvest Holiday ~ THANKSGIVING ~ when "all come home," and we're "blessed that they are able." When the house is filled to the brim with precious family, no one notices the decorations . . . we're all too busy talking, hugging, eating, and playing to care about anything except each other; although you all do notice the wonderful smell of Tom Turkey baking and Mimi's pumpkin spice candles as soon as you walk in the door. And that's just the way Mimi likes it!
Here's a little of what you'll see as you drive down the driveway . . .

Of course, the 2 most important Turkeys are in their spots just waiting on ya'll to come play with them.

These turkeys were once Granny's and now they adorn Mimi's home just like she would have liked. Granny made Mr. Tom on the table many years ago. Your mommy and daddy used to play with him just like ya'll do now. For 16 years Mimi has put these precious decorations out and held on just a little tighter to my memories of Granny and Pop and all the wonderful Thanksgivings at home. That's why Mimi likes to remind you each year where they came from and tell you special things about Thanksgivings then. Yes, you older ones can almost recite what I tell you and say it along with me but that's okay because I know you're remembering!

Basically, Mimi just puts away the Halloween and pulls out a few special things that make it Thanksgiving at Mimi and Granddaddy's ~ like Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim that Mande gave us one Thanksgiving when she was in college because she had seen them on a Hallmark commercial that made her cry.

Mande also made this small acron pillow when she was learning to use Mimi's embroidery machine . . . before long "The Monogram Monkey" was in business!! The first Thanksgiving after getting my machine, I embroidered the turkey napkins along with some pumpkin ones that I didn't bring out this year. The pumpkin tassel is the latest in Mimi's new addiction.

Our first Thanksgiving on the acre Aunt Lynn brought Mimi this beautiful little tray. Don't you love what it says?

"With grace surround us. With laughter bless us. With abundance fill us at this table of family and friends."

Mimi took this picture last week as I was driving back home (yes, I stopped the car and took it). I started thinking about the seasons changing, especially those seasons of our lives. Supposedly, the earth's seasons are equated to those of a person's life . . . if that's the case, Mimi's guessing she's in this most beautiful season ~ not the shiny, fresh, brand new season of spring or the hot, busy season of summer fun ~ but the season of glorious color when at every turn something takes your breath away. IT IS A WONDERFUL SEASON TO BE IN!! But Mimi's just hoping my life's season of color lasts a little longer than the color that WAS in my back yard ~ I'm never ready for the cold of winter.

Have a Happy, Blessed Weekend, Everyone!!



  1. Love all your decorations.
    Hope your weekend is blessed.

  2. Hi Mimi...these holiday's sure do roll around fast don't they? Seems like I am forever lugging out one box to replace with another. Enjoyed all your decor.

  3. Hi there,
    Stopping by to catch up with you! Love the Thanksgiving decos! You always have the cutest stuff! Hope your Thanksgiving weekend is going great:)
