Your ice cream birthday party on Saturday was so much fun. As usual, your Mommy had everything just perfect even down to the colors ~ yellow and pink ~ pink because you're so delicate and yellow because you bring us so much "joy and happiness." Experts say warm colors like yellow are supposed to "rev us up and get us going" . . . yes, that's Mimi's Baby A!!
Mommy has more about your party here; but Mimi just can't resist showing a few she might not have . . .
"Oh, no you don't! There'll be no RAIN ON MY PARADE!!!!"
All afternoon as Mommy & I decorated the cute little park, cloudy skies threatened RAIN . . . then during your party there were even some sprinkles ~ you didn't like that one little bit! The sprinkles didn't stop the fun . . . you could tell the party was all about you and you were definitely "The STAR." Cousins, little friends, and grown-ups, too, loved the playground, the food, but especially, watching you get sooooooo excited opening all your gifts!
Now, can we just have this next year go much slower . . . because 3 is such a big age and Mimi's not ready!
Granddaddy and I love you all the muches!!
UPDATE . . .
I just talked to your Mommy and she said you were definitely showing your age today . . . Terrible Twos . . . little fits over things not going your way . . . well, Mimi's saying today is your birthday so things are supposed to go your way, right, Precious?
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