Sunday, August 21, 2011

Between Innings

August means Fall League Travel Softball for Son and his family.  CJ and her Daddy, the coach, hit the road every weekend along with the rest of the family for a little round-ball activity.

But this weekend also held an extra little ball activity right smack in the middle of the softball tournament ~ ~

The Annual Father/Child Golf Tournament

Lucky for Daddy and CJ, the softball tournament was only 10 minutes away from the golf tournament--good planning, Daddy!!  So . . .

. . .  between games, we all hurried to the country club, ate lunch, changed clothes (CJ and Daddy for golf, CE and Mommy for the pool, Mimi and G-Dawg didn't change) practiced swinging down instead of level, then jumped in the cart and took off to play a little golf.

Mimi was about as nervous as when she watched your Daddy and his friend compete in a big tournament last year.  You did great on the 4 holes Mimi got to watch and Mommy said you did terrific on the other 5 she watched.  G-Dawg was a great chauffeur for us, but Mimi wished she had remembered her swim suit when it was my turn to watch CE at the pool.

Congratulations for a great finish in the golf tournament!


back to swinging the bat for the final game of the night

Hope your wrist isn't too sore where you got hit by the pitcher.  Way to take one for the team and move the runners around!

2 wins, 1 loss on Saturday . . . Way to Go, sluggger!!

Sunday morning brought another 40 minute drive and 2 more games

1 win and 1 loss after a barn-burner, extra-inning game!

Cooling off after the games ~ Bet this felt good!!

Mimi and Granddaddy thinks your team is doing great especially since this is the first year all you girls have been together.  Glad we got to watch a few games and a golf tournament on Saturday! We're so proud of you, CJ!!


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